February 25, 2011 Tips to successful in busines
Tips to successful in business you must answer some four question first:
1. Mention at least four reasons that cause you want to start a business?
2. Why did you choose to venture into business?
3. if your business is successful, what will you do from the results of the business?
4. if the business fails, whether you are ready to accept the risks ? and why do you have to accept that risks?
5. What happens if you do not immediately start a business?
6. When did you immediately start your business ?
7. Who will be responsible for the success of your business?
8. How do the conditions that you eventually have to stop your business?
Be aware of the success depends on yourself. The most valuable assets in running a business is yourself. yourself to answer the above questions. you must have a strong reason why you have not deterred business and should be in business. Plant the mentalas a champion in yourself, you will practice again until you reach the championship tittle
Wow,... Oke guys,. We are the Winner. and Success for all,...!!!!
- Posted under Tips to successful in busines