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Signal Business

           Okey guys, Sudah tahukah, latar belkng dn sejarah berdirinya SIC, hehehe yuk kita simak sejarah Source of inspiration Club. SIC (Source of Inspiration Club) Merupakan Klub Persahabatan Mahasiswa antar Universitas, Mahasiswa Yang Sudah Bergabung Di Dunia SIC : UGM, UNY, UIN, UAD, UII, UTY, AMIKOM, AKAKOM, UMY, UPN, RESPATI, UKRIM, Dll. SIC hadir berdasarkan atas kebersamaan dan persahabatan antar Mahasiswa, baik dalam lingkup satu Universitas maupun antar Universitas. 

                SIC atau Source of Inspiration Club terlahir pada hari kamis, 1 Maret 2007. Dilihat dari usianya yang cukup muda, SIC tidak pernah mengeluh untuk tetap berjuang bersama untuk mempererat tali persahabatan antar Mahasiswa. 

Tips to successful in business you must answer some four question first:

1. Mention at least four reasons that cause you want to start a business?
2. Why did you choose to venture into business?
3. if your business is successful, what will you do from the results of the business?
4. if the business fails, whether  you are ready to  accept the risks ? and why do you have to accept that risks?
5. What happens if you do not immediately start a business?
6. When did you immediately start your business ?
7. Who will be responsible for the success of your business?
8. How do the conditions that you eventually have to stop your business?